songSLAM Buffalo

Wednesday, May 27 | 7 PM
Asbury Hall, Babeville

Featuring emcee Peter Hall and
$2000 in audience-awarded prizes!

The Sparks & Wiry Cries songSLAM, in partnership with the Buffalo Chamber Players and Florestan Recital Project, is a unique opportunity for composer/performer teams to premiere new art songs and compete for cash prizes. This social event will take place at Asbury Hall, Babeville, on Wednesday, May 27th, 2020 @ 7pm, and will be hosted by WNED’s Peter Hall.

Each team will present a new song for voice and piano in any language for the voting audience, who—in the poetry slam tradition—will then vote on their favorite and award $2000 in prize money:

$1000 for first place, $600 for second place, and $400 for third place.

Information about the performance & premieres:

– Wednesday May 27th, Asbury Hall, Babeville, 341 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo NY @ 7pm

Teams are encouraged to bring their friends, as all prizes will be awarded by audience vote!


1) Registration is $20 USD and opens on April 7 at 5 pm on a first-come, first-served basis.

2) Performance slots will be given to the first 10-12 applicants to apply; there will also be space for 5 alternate slots in the event of cancellations. The registration fee will be refunded to those teams who do not make the performance or alternate list.

3) Original compositions presented at the Buffalo songSLAM must:

     – be composed for voice and piano

     – receive their world premiere at our event.

4) Songs should be no more than 5 minutes in length.

5) A composer can only submit ONE song for the event. Performers can only perform in ONE song for the event.  No person can participate in more than one team.

6) Texts may be in any language.

7) There is no age limit for those who wish to apply.

8) Composer must be present for the premiere. 

9) It is not required to have a poet/writer be a part of the team, but if you would like them to join your team and therefore potentially earn a share of any award, they must be present.  Otherwise, you must use texts for which either permission has been acquired (must have written and signed permission from author/trust), or in the public domain.

10) Further prizes may be granted at the discretion of the Co-Artistic Directors of Sparks & Wiry Cries, including but not limited to: online publication and sales of any song(s) of their choosing, hosted through Sparks & Wiry Cries’ website, and possible inclusion in a songSLAM song book published through New Music Shelf. Please note, regardless of premiere, publication, and recording, Sparks & Wiry Cries nor any partner institution will ever claim ownership of the music premiered at any songSLAM. The rights to the premiered works will remain solely within the Artistic Team that applied and how they see fit to divide any assets. Sparks may ask for permission from the entire team to use the recording in their promotional materials.

11) Teams should be complete at the time of registration and must consist of at least two people.  Composer/poet can be either pianist or singer.

12) Teams will be notified of their participation no more than 1 week after registration closes.